Too many things happened in these few weeks around me. I almost can’t believe that it was real. It is just like China people still on the mode for celebrating the coming Olympic in Beijing, and then earthquake happened suddenly in Si Chuan. My mode is similar to the people there – suddenly happy then suddenly turns to sad. But I had extent my sadness into angriness.
While I were still in secondary school, one of the Chinese teacher mention to me that people outside the world will not be same as the people I met in school. They will betray you because of desire to achieve something. In this case, they will try to do whatever they can in order to eliminate the threats from you. That time I looked at her and think in my heart, “cin sin meh you? Watch too much of Hong Kong drama liao la. You let them brainwash you already, soh poh.” After experienced the life in college, i felt her words quite correct, but not 100% correct. Now, I totally agree to that. Maybe the case I faced was not that kind serious, but the theory is there. In order to survive in that kind of competitive environment, maybe these techniques should be learned so that we can protect ourselves. BUT, this cannot applied to friends that really sincere to you.
Relationship between friends might just like a mirror. Once you hurt them, there will be a crack. If you keep hurting them, then the crack will be bigger and bigger.
Is lies!!!
p/s: I wonder why you build it so hardly, but at the end you want to destroy it yourself.