Sunday, October 28, 2007



就是这样一顶,手腕的关节就出问题了。医生说是骨头稍微歪了,碎了一点儿之外,基本上就没什么大碍了。~神经病啊?不痛死就怪了! 幸好他没昏倒,不然修门的费用也逃不了了。就这样奔波了一天,最后还是进了医院做了一个小手术,并留园观察一个晚上。当初还以为看铁打师傅就可以了,怎知当师傅研究了X光照后,我们才知道事情有多严重。~早知道就不用在铁打馆外头等两个小时啦,谁知道师傅哪么受欢迎的jeh....有件事还蛮奇怪的,我们怎么想也搞不清楚为什么我爸会同时刮伤鼻梁和耳尖leh?更奇怪的是,他自己也说不知道。这已变成一个迷了,除非有时光机咯。



1. 人家说我坏话
2. 说我家人的不是
3. 命令我
~尤其比你更没能力的竟然命令你做这个那个,而且还用lan si 的口吻,你会服气咩?!




Friday, October 12, 2007

Blood Donation

"Knock knock knock....." "Oooi, wake up la..Send me to work ar.. I'm gonna late already!!!" Stupid elder sister making noise outside my bedroom, asking me fetch her to work. I looked at the clock...... celaka betul ni, baru 10.30am!!! Arhhhh.... No choice lo, who ask me know how to drive meh.. Reject her? You want me to become 18 pieces ar?! Then I fetch her to work with half awaken lo. Lucky I can came back safely.

As usual, once being woke up already sure cannot fall asleep again. What can do? Do house keeping lo.. I always be the person who clean the house, but the rest must be the person who are "responsible" to "dirtify" the house. Somemore my younger sister claimed that her friend want to come over. Her sound like asking me to make sure the house is clean before her friend reach. Ooi, I'm your brother leh, not your maid!! Even maid aslo got salary, I did it for free one, what a cheap maid.

When I planned to rest a while after cleaned the house, Adelyn sms me and told me that blood bank now in critical time, only 1500 packets of blood remaining. Then I blame her that she long time din not donate blood, that's why blood bank had not enough blood lo. Then she suggested to donate blood at Pusat Darah Negara. Eh, she is serious one leh. At first I thought she was kidding tim. I wonder what happen to the management. They thought they want to adopt Just In Time(JIT) meh. At the end, Shiew Wai became our driver. Just driver only, he is definitely not going to donate blood with us. Eh, donate blood is not as pain as you all thought ok? It’s just like bitten by mosquito only, and the mosquito is NEITHER like this…..

NOR like this....

We reached Pusat Darah Negara around 1.30pm. Then we register by filling a form. After that we tested the iron level contained in our blood. When the nurse test Adelyn’s blood for second time, I already had a bad feeling that the iron in her blood was not reach the minimum level required. So? I was the only one who donate la. The one who asked me to donate sat at outside and chat at the end. Really sweat… I get a number and wait for my turn to check my blood pressure. After that I followed the directory and reached the room for donors. That is really big. I think there are more than 25 special chairs in that room.

The special chair allowed us to donate blood either left hand or right hand. If your left hand no blood come out, then can try right hand without changing the chair.

The machine which will have "beep" sound to alert the nurse that the packet of blood was already 450ml.

I'm a universal blood donor. Blue sticker is for O type, white for AB type, Yellow for B type, and red for A type.

At first I really thought the green sticker is just for a label. When I look it nearer, i saw this...RARE? What happen to my blood? I begin to feel worry why my blood was labeled "rare". Then I cin cai catch a nurse and ask for the reason. The nurse began to explain like an expert. She said: "there is something contained in your blood. But you no need to worry because this is a normal situation that grouped in the acceptable range. That means your blood is ok one, only need test the receiver blood before he/she can use your blood."

I'm sure everybody feel curious what is the "something" that contained in my blood, I am not the exception one. But you know what answer I get? answer is "dun know".... Eh, I'm not diu gou lei mai... This was what she said:"actually I also dun know. This is so complicated and it is only understandable by doctor."

"Ceh......" I'm sure you all have the same reaction as Shiew Wai and Adelyn when I told them about this. But the nurses there really polite. At least better than the nurses when I donate blood in TARC lo. Even just a simple "thank you", I really feel that what I had done was appreciated. After I rest for 10 minutes, I just get down from the chair and walked over to another side of the room. It is like a small cafe that allow the donor have a drink and some food.

The food and drink they served. Of course included some pill for regain the iron. Normally I'll throw it away.

We should feel happy after did a good thing. But I feel a bit regret to do so as my left hand was so pain. My left hand like already cacat liao!! Can't even grab thing well.

Wound after donate blood~Day 1

Wound after donate blood~Day 2
Cis, internal bleeding pula. Bengkak and pain somemore.

Eventhough sometimes will happen this kind of accident, but I never change my mind to stop donating blood every 3 months as there is so much benefits!! Who said receiver is the only beneficiary? For example, donating blood may reduce the risk of heart disease for men and stimulate the generation of red blood cells. Anecdotally, elderly people in good health have reported feeling invigorated by giving blood on a regular basis. (Sweat…..)

I really encourage people to donate blood as it is really can help others, and can benefit yourself at the same time. Especially guys… We do not have period like female. By donating blood, we can take out the “dirty” blood and “manufacture” the new one. Sounds nice right?

To become a qualified donor, following rules must be complied:
1. You are in good health on the day you donate blood
2. You are between 18-60 years of age.
3. Your weight is above 45kg.
4. You have more than 8 hours of sleep.
5. You are free from any medical problems. E.g., high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, migraine, flu, fever etc.
6. You have not taken antibiotic recently.
7. You have taken light meal before donating blood.
8. You are not involving in any of the following activities:
(a) Homosexual relationship
(b) Bisexual relationship
(c) Multiple sexual partner
(d) You have sexual contact with those mentioned above
(e)Drug abuse
9. Your last donation is more than 3 months ago

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


看来我很久没更新我的部落格了,当看到人家每个都更新部落格时,真有点不甘愿。为什么不甘愿?我也不知道,给我两角半,我帮你去问神吧.....为什么两角半? Er..... 我又不是百科全书,哪知道那么多啊?!人家那么说,我也就跟了嘛。为什么那么没逻辑? Er..... 来人啊! 把这"问题"儿童给托走,顺便给我打五十大板!

好消息,我终于"开斋"了~终于可以吃肉了!! 想当初真是凄惨,眼巴巴看着人家大口大口地吃东西,而自己只能大口大口地吞口水,真是不好受。就连美乃滋也不能吃(因为有蛋),我真不懂现在的和尚和尼姑的生活有会多姿多彩到什么程度。幸好只是一个月,不然还真的觉得活着没什么意义。现在?什么狗屎垃圾都二话不说就摆进口了,理你好吃不好吃的,总之就要补回一个月没吃肉的份,反正有人说我的脸凹进去了,补回一点肉也不会太过分吧? 现在谁要找我吃东西? 本大爷绝对奉陪到底! ~条件是:你付钱.....

第一,我在四天内吃了三餐麦当劳!! 不懂是巧合,还是有人有心想捉弄我。尤其是Shiew Wai,一天到晚说Mcd,Mcd的,三餐里有两餐是他建议的(一餐是自找的)。真不懂要破口大骂:他妈的,还是我要对着镜子对镜子里面的人说: 你为什么那么馋嘴?!

第二,玩电脑游戏至早上五点!! 还是从晚上八点半起呢。坐到我开始觉得我的屁股已经不是我身上的一部分似的 ~麻痹到用刀刺下去都无知觉了。有些人觉得不以为然,但是我是一个好学生兼好孩子呐 ~开始听到有人扮咳嗽了哦,这样做似乎不是一个好学生兼好孩子该做的事。都是那个Calvin啦,引诱我去拿Gunbound里什么珍贵的avarta ~就来可以改姓“赖”了。而且还是用卑鄙的手段得到的tim,总之我只知道一个原本你射我我射你的刺激游戏,变成一个you jump, I jump的无聊游戏。Aiya,反正大家都这样做,我多正人君子也衬托不出他们的卑鄙无耻的啦,那我只好放弃咯。

~牛唔饮水,唔按得牛头低, 唔好讲得自己咁伟大

第三,半夜三更看恐怖戏。近来我姐不懂从哪借来的一堆DVD ~没错,是一堆,不是一叠,顿时我可以开始售卖DVD了。里面有各式各样的恐怖片,从粤语的到英文的,恐怖到色情的,僵尸到丧尸的,杀人狂到无头鬼的,懒惰鬼到咸色鬼的,统统都有,总之是眼花缭乱啦。选了一部封面看起来很好看,看到一半想睡觉,看到最后想用石头砸烂电视机的烂臭恐怖片。整部戏都不懂要表达些什么,只知道你追我我追你,有必要时就拿起武器互砍。妈的,不懂我是在看恐怖片还是黑社会打架片。当看完时,从开始吵着说要看的人,竟然在沙发上呼呼大睡!!! @#~%☆^&*()+△
再拉也没用啦,只有三个而已啦。Eh,三个对我来说已是很够疯狂了。失望?那你要我在街上裸奔然后把它录起来放在Youtube吗?! 我可不想有"溜鸟侠"这个称号,更不想有些人看了后觉得自卑或兴奋。还有,裸奔是犯法的! "鸟"这类东西还是别随便和别人分享比较好。
